Employment Rights After Brain Injuries: Accommodations and Legal Actions

Brain injuries can have a profound impact on a person’s ability to work, affecting both cognitive and physical abilities. These injuries often result in significant challenges in maintaining employment, as survivors may struggle with memory, concentration, physical coordination, and other essential job functions. Understanding employment rights and the accommodations available to those who have sustained brain injuries is crucial for ensuring that these individuals can continue to participate in the workforce.

PA Injury Lawyers, P.C. is dedicated to supporting clients with brain injuries, helping them navigate the complexities of employment rights and legal actions. 

Understanding Employment Rights After Brain Injuries

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) and Brain Injuries

The Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA) provides critical protections for employees who have sustained brain injuries, classifying them as individuals with disabilities. Under the ADA, brain injury survivors are entitled to protection from discrimination in various employment-related activities, including hiring, firing, promotions, and job assignments. Employers are required to treat employees with brain injuries fairly and to make necessary accommodations to help them perform their job duties.

These rights are fundamental in ensuring that individuals with brain injuries are not unfairly disadvantaged in the workplace. The ADA mandates that employers engage in an interactive process with employees to identify reasonable accommodations that can assist them in performing their job functions. This protection helps to create an inclusive work environment where brain injury survivors can continue to contribute to the workforce without facing discrimination.

Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA)

The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides crucial support to employees recovering from brain injuries by granting them unpaid, job-protected leave for medical reasons. This encompasses taking time off for treatment or to recover from the effects of a brain injury. The FMLA grants eligible employees up to 12 weeks of leave within a 12-month period, ensuring their job security during the recovery process.

Employees can take continuous leave or opt for intermittent leave, depending on their medical needs. This flexibility is crucial for brain injury survivors who may require ongoing treatment or rehabilitation. To qualify for FMLA, employees must have been with their employer for at least 12 months and meet certain employment criteria. The FMLA serves as a crucial safeguard, allowing individuals with brain injuries to focus on their health without the worry of job loss.

Accommodations for Employees with Brain Injuries

Reasonable Accommodations Under the ADA

The ADA mandates that employers offer reasonable accommodations to employees with brain injuries, provided these adjustments do not impose undue hardship on the business. Reasonable accommodations involve modifications or adjustments that allow individuals with disabilities to perform their job responsibilities effectively. For those recovering from brain injuries, this could include flexible work schedules, altered job duties, assistive technologies, or modifications to the work environment.

For example, an employee with a brain injury might benefit from reduced distractions in the workplace, memory aids, or additional time to complete tasks. These accommodations are designed to support the employee’s ability to perform their job while considering the limitations imposed by their injury. Employers are obligated to work with employees to determine the most appropriate accommodations, ensuring that they can continue to contribute to the organization.

Requesting Accommodations

Requesting accommodations is a critical step for employees with brain injuries. The process typically begins with the employee informing their employer of their need for accommodations, often supported by medical documentation. This documentation, provided by a healthcare professional, outlines the nature of the injury and the specific accommodations that would help the employee in the workplace.

Effective communication with the employer is essential during this process. Employees should clearly articulate their needs and work collaboratively with their employer to identify solutions that enable them to perform their job duties. PA brain injury lawyers can assist in this process by helping to ensure that the accommodation request is handled appropriately and that the employee’s rights are protected.

Legal Actions and Protections

Filing a Claim for Disability Discrimination

If an employer fails to provide reasonable accommodations or engages in discriminatory practices against an employee with a brain injury, the employee may have grounds to file a disability discrimination claim. This legal action seeks to hold the employer accountable for violating the employee’s rights under the ADA. The process of filing a claim can be complex, requiring a thorough understanding of employment law and the specific circumstances of the case.

PA Injury Lawyers, P.C. plays a crucial role in assisting clients with brain injuries in navigating the legal process. Our expertise ensures that the employee’s rights are upheld, and we provide the necessary legal representation to pursue justice and fair treatment in the workplace.

Seeking Compensation for Wrongful Termination

In some cases, employees with brain injuries may be wrongfully terminated due to their disability. When this occurs, legal recourse is available to seek compensation for lost wages, emotional distress, and other damages resulting from the wrongful termination. PA Injury Lawyers, P.C. is committed to advocating for clients who have been unfairly dismissed, ensuring that they receive the compensation they deserve.

Our firm’s experience enables us to effectively represent clients in these cases, providing the legal support needed to challenge wrongful termination and secure a just outcome.


Understanding and exercising employment rights after a brain injury is crucial for survivors who wish to continue working. Seeking necessary accommodations and legal protections can make a significant difference in maintaining employment and achieving a fair workplace environment. Our law firm is dedicated to advocating for the rights of brain injury survivors, ensuring they receive the accommodations and protections they are entitled to under the law.

With our support as PA brain injury lawyers, individuals can navigate the challenges of employment after a brain injury, securing the resources they need to succeed in the workplace and protect their rights.

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